Certainteed Scalloped Shake Looking shingle called Carriage House
Certainteed Carriage House Shingle review
4.1 / 5
Roofer Rating
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 5
Homeowner Rating
(1 vote)
- Unique Scalloped Shake Design is a winner
- 355lbs per square
- Great Warranty Coverage
- hard to find if need a quick repair
- Requires Specialty installation
- Get ready to pay for this quality
This is a very unique shingle in the Certainteed lineup and really different look than all the other slate look alike shingles on the market today. All the tabs are the same although the granule coloration may vary slightly which is traditional looking flat slate. However the edges of the tabs are clipped at angle to give them a scalloped appearance. The little extra effort yields a pleasing design that isn't too exorbent. These roofing shingles are quite heavy as well which adds to their quality.
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carriage house shingle Victorian blue Do u have any..I need 15 boundle an ..the cost
where you able to find soome? im looking for 10 sq as well