Atlas Castlebrook Shingles – Menards value architectural

Atlas Castlebrook Shingle Review
3.1 / 5 Roofer Rating
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 5 Homeowner Rating (4 votes)
  • Very competitive pricing for this style of shingle
  • Easily available at Menards
  • Simple to install
  • Nothing special here really
  • Only 9 color options but hey it's a value
  • Light
Don't let our relatively low rating dissuade you from getting this shingle if you are looking for a value. Sold exclusively at Menards this shingle offers a fair quality at a very reasonable price. They also have a little different cut lines that some of the more popular shingles which we find pleasing. It's a value architectural shingle that if installed perfect we'd expect 15-20 years out of as long as it didn't take too much weather. Little lighter, not quite as beefy but still just fine.
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