GAF Monaco Shingles – Terra Cotta Flat shingles
GAF Monaco Shingle Review
3.8 / 5
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- GAF name on new and innovative product
- Lifetime Warranty on Untested Product Profile
- One of a Kind Look
- Class A Fire Rated Shingles
- Need unique house to stand up to this designer roof
- Yet untested in real world performance
- Much more limited color range than Timberline series of shingles.
Tile shaped premium shingle. Nothing like it. Unique for particular homes. Definitely a head turner and architectural designed homes made for it. Much lighter than actual tiles so a way to achieve that look without going to that expense.
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Where can I get these? I live in the Atlanta, GA area.
I strongly discourage this shingle. We were the guinea pigs for these tiles in 2015. Yes, they stood out, but for the wrong reason. They are obviously fake. People came by to look at them, and I could tell they felt sorry for us. I’m so happy we sold our house anyway. The new owners have already replaced the shingles with a metal roof, only 4 years later. So much for a lifetime. Yes, they might last a lifetime, but nobody wants them. And, we paid more for these than had we bought comparable normal shaped shingles.
I am the only home in my area to have Manoco shingles. They are awsome and they set off my courtyard styled home. I receive many complements. I used a local roofer who has been in my area for many years.
Don’t really know on longevity, they lay a little too flat for me which they were a little thicker, but that’s how they were designed I guess. They are unique yes and we get a ton of compliments, not sure on longevity but time will tell.
Are you still liking your shingles (Monaco) We are looking at them
These look incredible, some people can’t believe they are shingles until we tell them. We live in CA and special ordered these if you have a mission style home and want something special and neat looking get these.