Marathon Ultra AR – Fancy name shingle for a tad better quality
IKO Marathon Ultra AR Shingle Review
1.9 / 5
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- 30 Year Limited Warranty
- Some Decent Darker Colors
- Energy Star Qualified White Shingle Option
- Dated Design
- 60MPH Only wind warranty
30 Year Warranty Three Tab shingles with an energy star option. Put's this shingle just a tad above some of the other 3-tabs on the roofing market.
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OK shingles for those wanting a little better three tab
Giving IKO a little credit for offering a upper tier 3 tab shingle. Also we really like the white shingle option for those looking at energy efficient shingles in a southern climate. They reflect the hear and help keep cooling cost down. They also have some nicer varied shingle color patterns to play with if you are trying for a certain look.
All that being said there is little appeal left in three tab shingles for most of the population, you can often find AR or dimensional shingles for only a little more.