Tile Roofing Review vs other natural roofs

Installation of clay tile roofing reviewTile roofs are some of the most durable and aesthetically pleasing roofing products on the market today. When most people think of tiled roofs they are thinking of clay tiles, that muted brown(terra cotta)tile seen all over homes in the south-west and occasionally throughout the country. However tile has come a long way since its roots. You can now get tile roofs made from, clay, concrete, steel, and composites. Clay tiled roofing dates back to 10,000 BC. As the preeminent roofing material for much of roman times and neolithic China. Widely established in the Americas since the 17th century or so and used in Europe for centuries. Till this day property owners choose to roof with tile because of it’s qualities of longevity and beauty.

Advantages / Pro’s: You really can’t catch clay roof tiles on fire – when they are made they are put in an OVEN and “fire

Individual tile roofing

baked” to harden and retain color. Widely popular in dry hot climates clay roofing tiles shed heat very efficiently and typically allow for airflow on the underside of the shingles as well as top. Considered a lifetime option for roofing tile roofs are known for there longevity. There are tile roofs that are currently in use on structures over 150 years old throughout the world. Inspections every other year or so are suggested to look for cracks in the tile, tile slippage, mortar integrity and missing tiles.

Concerns / Con’s: Tile roofing is one of the heaviest roofing products a homeowner or commercial property manager could choose for there structure. You must have a well supported roof deck and foundation to withstand the weight of tiled roofs. This is one of the reasons why wood shakes replaced tile roofs in the 18th century. The other is cost. Tiled roofing is costly in two ways. The product itself is quite expensive compared to traditional roofing material such as asphalt shingles. Labor is the other factor that increases the price of a tiled roof, as you’ll find out below, tiled roof installation is a pain.

red clay tile roofing review

Tile roofing installation explained:

Tile roofing installation is an art form best left to professional roofing installers specializing in this type of installation. Typically installation will require the use of “battens”


installed where the tiles are going to be nailed into the roof. You’ll need to snap a line to maintain the integrity of the roof lines. Depending on the product mortar is often used, applied to hold one tile to the other and create a water tight barrier between rows of shingles. Also, mortar is applied at any exposed section around valleys, side walls, and hip & ridge sections. Metal flashing will be installed before to roof tiles are laid. It is also recommended to roof the house before drywall is installed because to sheer weight of the tile can “settle” the house. Cutting the tiles is perhaps the most time consuming part of installing a tile roof.


Tile Roofing Installation Video Highlighting Best Practices