Certainteed Landmark TL – heavyweight champ of architectural asphalt shingles

Certainteed Landmark TL Shingle Review
4.4 / 5 Roofer Rating
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 5 Homeowner Rating (1 vote)
  • Very heavy and long lasting shingle
  • Triple laminate means very low likelihood of failure - very durable
  • Better look than standard architectural's due to increased depth with this thicker asphalt shingle
  • 305 lbs per square and outstanding warranty if installed by manufacturer certified roofer
  • You pay for the quality
  • For some heavy weight means too much weight if trying to do a layover
  • Somewhat limited color options - however some very nice non standard colors as well just not as many as standard Landmarks
Think of this as the penultimate of architectural shingles from Certainteed. They look richer with greater depth due to increased weight and thickness of the shingle. The triple laminate layers means these shingles should wear like nails and last an absolute lifetime when properly installed. We like that the shingles don't overwhelm a house while still adding a touch of difference to grand homes. Roofers may complain of the extra weight and difficulty in cutting but if you have the money they are well worth the added expense.
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