GAF Woodland roofing shingles natural looking beauty
GAF Woodland Shingle Review
4.8 / 5
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- Visually Appealing Design/li>
- Different without being odd
- Lifetime Warranty
- Stainguard
- 130MPH Wind Warranty
- Limited Availability (Purchase more than needed for future repairs)
- These are not a budget shingle
Natural beauty without looking odd or too different is what you'll find in the Woodland shingle. The seemingly random size of the individual shingle tabs and arrangement lend to a more natural appearance. These shingle also lay relatively flat and aren't artificially creating dimensional by simply layering on additional tabs or unduly increasing the thickness of the shingles. Part of the GAF Lifetime Designer shingles line these come with a Lifetime Performance Warranty, Stain-guard Protection and a 130MPH wind warranty top notch in all areas. We HIGHLY SUGGEST having a GAF Master Elite contractor install them.
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These are a great looking shingle but in my opinion have a fundamental flaw. When we installed them in November we noticed that around 10pct of the shingles have a bend upward. When these shingles are installed they essentially have a sail in the wind. Over two windstorms within 6 weeks of installation I have lost better than 60 shingles. GAF acknowledges this flaw and even has a tech bulletin explaining why they occur and that they will settle down with 4-6weeks. Problem is that you need hot sunshine for this to happen since they are a heavy shingle therefore if you install them in the fall, winter or early spring you may not get this sunshine to lay your shingles down. Because of this I really could not recommend these shingle for cold weather installation.